Are you preparing for the current California
ACO license exam test?

The first thing you need to know is:
there are 5 different tests.

Each has
100 questions.

If you pass the first one, you are done.
But if you fail the test, and then pay for a re-test, you get a different test.

Where is most of your alarm experience from?

Is it from the 'sales' side, or is it from the 'installation' side?

You need to know both to be able to pass the tests.

Click here for
information on study material:
ACO help

818-883-6969 for 2 sample questions!

We provide help with
preparing for Alarm Company Operator
license testing!

ACO license testalarm company operator license test

With a telephone call to 818-883-6969, you can have an advanced peek at what to really expect, and learn why so many applicants can NOT pass the testing!

FREE confidential consultation
ACQ license test